Sunday, 13 February 2011


Time, it was all I had and I didn't know what to do with it.

You see I spent most of my life comparing myself to others, deciding on what I could and what I couldn't do as the sand ran through my fist like an hour glass.


Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Who were you?

Right there, across the street from where I'm standing now is where you were patiently waiting for me 3 months ago.

Your cheekbones highlighted by the streetlight, my attention was drawn to your wavy hair, flying in every direction. Your Sebago shoes, Chino pants and your grandpas old blazer made you smell like an old man, giving you that extra maturity every now and then.

You balanced me gently between my tantrums and my thrills. Always resting your cheek on your hand when I wandered off topics during feverish conversations, needing to be reminded of what we really were talking about.

The cold December wind slaps me in the face as I awake from these thoughts and remember the site of you.

You...Was there really a you?