Tuesday 28 February 2012

Charms and Curses

Comrades, we got disconnected. We lost them to others, we lost them to their own vanity; their inability to share what plagued them the most; their insecurity and never ending jealousy towards you and whom you were; loved and hated the most.
It was the the lost case of an invisible cause. Your inner and outer investments were always overlooked and left in the dark, in favor of others.
For now you are alone in your perceptions watching the patting and wooing of a crowd, guilty of false pretense.
The show continues in front of your eyes as the elastic of their beneficiary friendships weaken.


Monday 20 February 2012


"I'll never stop being fascinated by airplanes " he said, lying on the grass and resting his head on his arm. "It feels like I'll jinx it if I look at it too much and it'll explode in front of my eyes". I don't feel fast but somehow I'm weightless sometimes when I don't feel like I belong anywhere and need to travel anywhere I can." 


Friday 3 February 2012


Jeanne-Sophie Aas "NeoYookai" / GREYSCALES, COLORS, INK