Thursday 15 September 2011


They would laugh at her, when she said she felt a hundred years old. But she already knew how things would end.
History was like a broken song track, needed to be started from the beginning and adding a new scratch every time.
There was light at the end of the tunnel but at the end of the light, there was another tunnel.

Explaining was even worse than listening to people who were content with themselves. A so-called merited authority to give advice about everything and nothing, as if there was a blueprint for life.


Monday 12 September 2011


The feeling is always the same...

Thursday 8 September 2011


In Oslo, everybody was talking about the weather; How short the Summer was and I would ask "What Summer?", then we would talk about warm places we would go after New Years, as if a one week getaway would make things any better.

Just like every year, Fall had arrived too early. My emotional curve was pointing downwards, doomed and incontrollable. I didn't feel anything other than a mudded and depthless blue.


Tuesday 6 September 2011


We didn't belong anywhere, not where we were born or where we were heading.
A limbo state of mind state saddens us as we have no gravity when we try to point our toes to the ground but drift away from ourselves.