Thursday 27 December 2012

Little Earthquakes

And then he was gone. Thin air.
It took only a couple of minutes from Hello to Goodbye while my facial expression failed to follow.
I didn't weep that night, but I drank myself to sleep.
Nobody needed to know the little earthquakes in my head. I possessed no secret worth an ear drop.


Monday 17 December 2012

Luis Beltrán

Let's take a walk in the snow.

Reposting: Vampire state of mind

You wake up one morning, lonely, drained and thirsty not remembering what came over you last night. A look in the mirror stumbles you when you are shocked by the bitemarks on your neck and the paleness of your face. Every part of your body aches. Yesterday's sadness and despair that made you do what you did,is now replaced by emptiness.

But if there is one thing that's worse than sadness, then that is to be senseless.


Monday 3 December 2012

Parallel universes

Everything comes to focus from a certain distance. While observing parallel universes, the stars allign and collide at the same time. The places, faces and selfish intentions.
I visualize you tossing and turning under covers, raptured by destructive thoughts.
Nothing happens overnight...


Thursday 29 November 2012

Feed the beast

It's that time of the day, to feed the beast; the empowered monster of your paranoia. It shuts you down without a restart.
It's hard to admit it, this disorder, chronic mood swings in technicolor.

What makes you want to dance on tables to later crouch in a corner and cast a shade on your glow?


Tuesday 13 November 2012

One step forward, two steps back.

History always repeats itself, you recall the last time you were in this position, a sudden insecurity caused by chain of actions. The remains of a collapsed building, rubble and dust, makes you choke on your own words about getting somewhere any than here, the starting point of your dreams and disappointments.


Friday 9 November 2012


People in the limelight sometimes want to vanish. Just in time before disaster strikes, the curtains fall...the chips are down.


Sunday 28 October 2012

Modern love #1

Love is, acknowledging and appreciating each others playlists.


Monday 22 October 2012

On a subway in Berlin...

Stripped vs. Tiled
Copyright E.Y

Copyright E.Y

Tuesday 16 October 2012


It's cold and dark where I'm living and once again, I try to lift my head from my pillow and find the strength to face another day

It was pitch black outside. She woke up before the alarm bell and managed to knock down everything on her night table while trying to grasp her cell phone.
She was going to call in sick. But was running out of excuses. Lately she had been allocating the days evenly throughout the weeks, trying to avoid any suspicion or gossip in the workplace. People were ready to stab you in the back.

It was noon when she woke up again. She had received an sms on her cell. Some random person.

She was emotionally unbalanced. Last week it was about the boy, this week it was life in general. How could she explain the lows rapidly taking over the highs and the desperate need to stay in bed; a shelter for her thoughts?
It's not as if people were listening and no one was noticing the conversations becoming collective monologues; no feedbacks, no sincere display of emotions.

She was staring carefully at the cracks in the wall. In rainy days they would fill with water leaking onto the parquet floors, leaving a stench and  humidity in the room that didn't concern her any more than her stomach starting to growl.


Monday 15 October 2012

Skinny Love

I was patient, I was fine about the time, tried to act balanced and be kind.
I stared at the computer to find the right words but none of them would fit, none of them sounded nonchalant against your words that stabbed and decomposed my inside.


Friday 12 October 2012

Oslo, moodbased.

Copyright E.Y.
 "At different times you see with different eyes. You see differently in the morning from in the evening. The way in which one sees also depends on one's mood... If you are to paint such an atmosphere ... you cannot merely sit and stare at everything and paint it 'as accurately as you see it'. You must paint it as it appeared when the motif seized you."
Edward Munch.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Reposting: Let's Live a Cliché

Some of you might remember Patrick Moberg and the buzz around the girl he saw on the subway whom he later insisted on finding by drawing a  rough description of her.  His story was a perfect match for my post "Let's live a cliché". These kind of stories still inspire me...

Let's live a cliché;
Our eyes meet coincidentally in the middle of a rush hour in a subway station. By accident you look once, then twice. The third time, you pretend to be looking at the board while you try to close your umbrella. But I know how it works; you can't hide it from me. Why is your hair wet? I don't get it.
The crowd around us turns silent and moves in slow motion. No matter how many times I get bumped into; my looks remain calm, waiting for the next exchange.2 minutes to the next subway. It's not mine. Hopefully, not yours either.


Photo by Patrick Moberg

Friday 5 October 2012

Luis Beltrán Photography

I have the same dream...just that in mine there is a hammock.

Copyright Luis Beltrán

Thursday 4 October 2012

It is what it is...

Copy right E.Y

I cannot change a city; make it warmer, blow away the clouds or add vibrance to the empty streets.


Monday 21 May 2012

Our time.

No era was greater than the other. Ours wasn't the best just because we had outlived them all. Doors were slammed in our faces regardless of them saying it was possible to become anything we wanted to be.

Occasionally, nothing happened. You wondered if you had read the manual right, if you plugged the right cable or if you possibly forgot to turn the switch on.


Tuesday 10 April 2012

Year; some time in the future.

Another tomorrow, another of the other.
Cluster fills before my eyes, tormenting my senses and trapping me under unbearable stenches.
Rays of light burn the asphalt  as I seek refuge in the shade, together with thousands of shoulders above my height.


Wednesday 21 March 2012

Monday 19 March 2012

Tug of War

Admit it. You didn't want him, you wanted what I had.

Threatening desire passed on to us, your eyes rigidly fixed in advance from across the room. I felt imprisoned and endangered by your thoughts on what was forthcoming; the extent to how far you were willing to go, before I let go.


Tuesday 13 March 2012

A street for the lovers.

This street was made for lovers. The pavements are narrow, covered with street tables and chairs. The lighting is dim and the mood is already set by the unusual shadows moving in tact with the heartbeats of young and restless souls.

The vibrance of summer heats the asphalt's surface during the day whilst your sunburnt shoulder is soothed by the evening breeze.


Monday 12 March 2012

On the Road

One of my favourite books " On the Road " by Jack Kerouac has become a movie. Apparently, Francis Ford Coppola  had bought the rights to this book already in 1979. I say, "What took you so long?". :)

Sunday 11 March 2012

A big fan of Esra Røise

Friday 9 March 2012


You don't want to see how alike we are. How our friendship evolves around our absurd similiarities such as sleeping with one earplug instead of two, resenting the bitter taste of water and how we instinctively add tabasco to our dinner. 

Your sense of humor always amazes and completes my twisted jokes that no one else understands. You see my ace-jack and raise to three times the big blind.

At last, you forget how stubborn we both are and why we haven't spoken for months.


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Charms and Curses

Comrades, we got disconnected. We lost them to others, we lost them to their own vanity; their inability to share what plagued them the most; their insecurity and never ending jealousy towards you and whom you were; loved and hated the most.
It was the the lost case of an invisible cause. Your inner and outer investments were always overlooked and left in the dark, in favor of others.
For now you are alone in your perceptions watching the patting and wooing of a crowd, guilty of false pretense.
The show continues in front of your eyes as the elastic of their beneficiary friendships weaken.


Monday 20 February 2012


"I'll never stop being fascinated by airplanes " he said, lying on the grass and resting his head on his arm. "It feels like I'll jinx it if I look at it too much and it'll explode in front of my eyes". I don't feel fast but somehow I'm weightless sometimes when I don't feel like I belong anywhere and need to travel anywhere I can." 


Friday 3 February 2012


Jeanne-Sophie Aas "NeoYookai" / GREYSCALES, COLORS, INK

Tuesday 24 January 2012


"Melancholy suits you" he said. "I love you in colors too, but the reoccurring evocative sadness in your face reminds me of one of my favorite black&white movies. I picture you at a railway station in Berlin or at a cafe in Paris."
I'd like to see you walk in the rain ", he continued. "To see you bend your head against the rain so that your mascara doesn't run. Though, I would love that too. You know when you sometimes forget where you are and are deep in thoughts?  Your eyes widen like the lens of a camera, focused and inverted.  Your pupils dilate and blur against the light that illuminates the shadows of your lashes."


Saturday 21 January 2012

Love as it should be

Produced by Kate Williams , Magnum Photos

Thursday 19 January 2012

The River

She walked barefoot all night, wondering if she would ever be stopped by anyone. One strap of her dress was slipping down her shoulder. The wind was merciless to the red chiffon fabric gently wrapped around her body.
The first hour it felt nice to be left alone, now it was terrifying.

Hours ago, she had left the party silently and unarmed, avoiding people to avoid questions. This hadn't been a happy day. She couldn't define a happy day and if she couldn't be happy even on this day, then would she ever be happy?

Every effort felt useless and worthless. To force a smile, a bitter laugh is hard when you're stomach is tied up in knots.
Everyone else, she thought, they were fooling themselves, The women were acting like they were on uppers with side effects; filled with delusions and morbid jealousy anytime their husbands talked to a woman other than themselves. As for the husbands, they were worthless pricks in suits with unbearable alcoholic breaths.

She thought about the man who escaped an asylum a few days back and how he froze to death. A life gone to waste. Maybe not a good one, but it was still a life.
Having her sanity intact, how much would she put up with before she gave up?

Explain to me, but don't trust in me that I will understand

She walked till she came to the bridge. From the bridge she looked down the river with the seven streams.

The streams were so strong and loud. The more she stared into the streams, the more her thoughts were silenced and dispersed into the water...


Saturday 7 January 2012

The silent b

So the pain begins, nothing heals.
People are ecstatic, you are calm.
People live, you die inside.
Water flows, you remain dry.

Your deeds are invisible, they will crown someone else.


A little piece of unreality.

A little piece of unreality keeps us sane in the evenings, in the darkness. To wish to be everywhere that you can't be, to kiss every man that's not good for you.

In a city of saints and and sinners, you choose to be with sinners and step into a bucket full of worms without hesitation. Anything to get you through the night, waking up with a headache that erases whatever that has happened.

You can keep a secret, right?