Friday 25 December 2009

Paper cups

Every now and then, they would sit on the carpet in his apartment with s slanted ceiling and drink wine from papers cups and talk for hours. The more they drank, the more intense the conversations became. At times they criticized people, at times they praised them.
Like a fish to a bait, he would grab every comment that she made with "I agree!" leaving a big smile on her face.


Saturday 19 December 2009


When we were left alone, there were empty spaces among hundreds that needed to be filled. New bodies were promising in order to forget, but somehow we could not control our dreams.
Every night, we were faced with what we were escaping from and woke up with a weariness and sadness.


Saturday 12 December 2009


It was through his reflection on the subway that she knew that promises would soon be broken, words unspoken and hands left cold.
