Tuesday 28 September 2010

I admired her for being her.
It was minus 10 degrees and I was waiting for a friend near a frozen fountain and could barely keep my teeth from shaking, while she was sitting by the edge of the fountain with her legs crossed and gazing vacantly before her.

I forgot about the icicle in me and started observing her
nonchalant manner and laid back style. She was wearing headphones and her hands were embracing a half-full bottle of red wine.
She didn't seem worried about anything, lifting the bottle to take a sip every now and then.

I wondered what kind of music she was listening to and who she was waiting for.


Monday 20 September 2010

Things just happen.

She furrowed her brow as she was struggling through a chapter in the book she was reading recently.

It was so unbearable that she preffered going back to the earlier chapters or skipping one or two. Chapter 12 it was. All the characters and actions were standing still except for their minds talking. She refused to be sucked into the descriptions and depths of their emotions.
She felt like carving the pages with a pen and ripping them out. Just get on with it she said to herself, unaware that she had been clenching her jaw. The book had lost it's page turner effect and had already been put down on the coffee table a couple of times that afternoon. It was either going to be read through that day or left for dusting for the rest of the year.

She had done it many times before. Her shelves consisted of unfinished books. Either their language was too hard or they had failed to engage her. It didn't make any difference if they were mainstream or among The Times' Top Ten and anyways, mainstream she hated. She never gave The Alchemist a chance, seeing it in everybody's hands that time. Sheep mentality she would think.

Why had everything stopped lately? By everything she meant the meaning of why things happen, for in this she wanted to believe in. It was the only thing to hold on to whether that was the case or not. Unfortunately, it was typical that evolution always took its place wherever and whenever not needed.

Suddenly she awakened by this thought and placed her eyes back on the page with the tiny gloomy texts.

I'm going to finish this bastard.


Wednesday 15 September 2010

Ghost town

Everybody knew what was coming. Hence, they were avoiding her like the plague. They would ask "What's the matter with you?" but not listen as she would try to explain that there was a matter but there was nothing wrong with her.

On the contrast, she felt like the only sane person around. But that was mere agitation than comfort. It made her feel sad and lonely. The feeling of walking in a ghost town became real; streets had no name and the only thing moving was whirlwinds of leaves and newspapers.

She would have loved this town if it hadn't seemed so empty.


Monday 6 September 2010

We could be happy.

We could be happy, but chose not to and didn't know how to.
Our dreams were our punishment and adding a new one before the other was done, was like watching Tetris blocks rushing down the screen without fitting and overflowing.

We could be happy, occasionally, only not knowing how to enjoy it for we didn't know how long it would last so smiles would be halfhearted, eyes sadly fixed towards the horizon.
