Monday 6 May 2013


I'm hurting, inside out
The wound doesn't heal. 

There was no closure, the untangled truth could have saved me from banging my head on walls, the sudden outbursts once the doors were closed. 

Madness takes over when I pick up the phone, hoping you won't answer. I watch after each dial tone, the sky turns a shade darker. 


Wednesday 1 May 2013

Punk Stories from the 80's

Punks; growing up in the 80's I was intimidated by them. They were mysterious, edgy, outstandingly creative when it came to style. Their spiky hair and the spikes on the jackets were almost like a shield against us and the reactions of people whom simply didn't understand them. 

Pictures by Marianne C. Brantsæter
Pictures taken of Punk youth in Oslo between 1980-1982. Photographer Marianne C. Brantsæter.