Monday 20 September 2010

Things just happen.

She furrowed her brow as she was struggling through a chapter in the book she was reading recently.

It was so unbearable that she preffered going back to the earlier chapters or skipping one or two. Chapter 12 it was. All the characters and actions were standing still except for their minds talking. She refused to be sucked into the descriptions and depths of their emotions.
She felt like carving the pages with a pen and ripping them out. Just get on with it she said to herself, unaware that she had been clenching her jaw. The book had lost it's page turner effect and had already been put down on the coffee table a couple of times that afternoon. It was either going to be read through that day or left for dusting for the rest of the year.

She had done it many times before. Her shelves consisted of unfinished books. Either their language was too hard or they had failed to engage her. It didn't make any difference if they were mainstream or among The Times' Top Ten and anyways, mainstream she hated. She never gave The Alchemist a chance, seeing it in everybody's hands that time. Sheep mentality she would think.

Why had everything stopped lately? By everything she meant the meaning of why things happen, for in this she wanted to believe in. It was the only thing to hold on to whether that was the case or not. Unfortunately, it was typical that evolution always took its place wherever and whenever not needed.

Suddenly she awakened by this thought and placed her eyes back on the page with the tiny gloomy texts.

I'm going to finish this bastard.


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