Thursday 23 April 2009

So the story goes.

This world, this country, this city, consists of people pretending that everything is OK all the time. Everything is great. We wish each other a great weekend. We wish eachother a great day. When the weekend is over, we ask eachother if we had a great weekend and so the story goes.

How often do people talk about how low they feel or how lonely they are? Everyone seems to be having a blast. Talking about how depressed we are is a taboo and not really an interesting subject to be brought up. We are drawn to happy people but are not aware that in most occasions, it is the same happy people that makes us feel depressed.
In the movie As Good as It Gets, Jack Nicholson's character, Melvin Udal says,
"Some have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad...Good times, noodle salad. What makes it so hard is not that you had it bad, but that you're that pissed that so many others had it good."

In my world composed of sarcasm and cynicism, the train to Disneyland passed long time ago.


1 comment:

outofcharacter said...

Ugh, I feel the same way every day. If you tell anyone that you feel sad they only ask "what happened?" as if there had to be some event, such as a death, to make you feel that way. Can't I just feel sad? Is it impossible for someone to relate? It rarely happens that someone 'just gets it'. Anyway, good post! :)