Friday 6 August 2010

The Rabbit Hole

I found a place for myself in the rabbit hole.

Deep in the dirt there were no excuses, no explanations.No need to juggle with emotions. No muppets giving you advice on how to suceed in life, thinking they had figured you all out of a fifteen minute conversation.

Phone calls, sms, e-mails, notifications, like and unlikes; I had been surrounded by beeps and blinks wherever I turned my head. I wanted to shut it all out and dig myself more into the rabbit hole where it was safe for me to look ugly and be weird.

Ugly; that is what life had become. It collided with every move you tried to make. It collided with the simplest desires and drained you until the rabbit hole became a paradise.


1 comment:

Elifyc said...

Rabbit holes are cozy but there comes a day when you have to come out and face the bulls**t. Have a nice life.